Hot Meals
Orders to be returned to school by the Wednesday of the week before meals are required.
We work in partnership with a company called Ideal HSM Ltd to provide parents the opportunity to order a hot lunch for their children. At present the cost of a meal is £2.30 a day ordered in advance. The meals meet all nutritional and content standards.
Special diets can be catered for but only for medical or religious reasons. Evidence of the need for this may be required.
The meals are prepared off site in Ideal HSM's kitchens and delivered, in heated cabinets, to be served by our own midday supervisors.
All children eating a hot meal are seated together for lunch in the main hall in one sitting.
A termly menu is sent home. If you pay for your child's meals, you may prefer to continue to order on a weekly or fortnightly basis. However, if your child is entitled to Free School Meals through the benefits system, you could order for the whole term.
Free Meals for Infant Children
From September 2014, all Infant children are entitled to a free school lunch. Menus and order forms for each term are sent home and Infant parents may like to return their order for the whole term as there is no payment to be made.